Moja oblubena slalomová trat' je Bratislava
This part of the trip was also the hottest. By hot I mean probably the highest, most prolonged temperature my body has ever been at. I don't think the temperature gauge inside the minibus ever went higher than 41 degrees celsius, but a slow cooker oven only needs to be at sixty to cook meat over a period of time. There was literally no escape; paddlers who have been to Bratislava know there really aren't many trees or areas of shade, other than the marquee outside the hotel and the grand stands. I felt like a prune by the end of the week, but also a tanned, weather beaten prune who was ready for whatever temperature Prague decided to throw at me.
Ja chcem čučoriedka zmrzlina, prosím.
Moja meno je Bamber. Je som št'astna.
Basically it was awesome. I love the slalom courses, the coffee, the people, the weather, the atmosphere of slalom. Its good to have a couple of days off at home, to let myself recover. But to be honest I want to keep living with the mindset of every day, to not need anything to 'make' my day because its already there. Its completely in the mind, I'm 100% sure :).