Its impossible to summarise an event as high and low as Olympic selection in a few sentences. But I came out of the race absolutely happy that I had given 100% in my race prep, in my mental attitude, and performance. Sure, there were mistakes in my runs. But its canoe slalom. Its about learning from those mistakes and seeing where that puts you. I came away from those two weeks in London absolutely tired, but absolutely ready to start winter training. Because I can see what I have to do.
Quite often in the lead up to selection, and probably because I was being so obnoxiously public with regular photos and updates on everything in MY canoeing world, I would get messages from university friends. Just being lovely and saying good luck, but also commenting on how they were unable to see how I fit in my degree at the same time. To be fair, when I got back from two weeks away in London, the misty wall of panic set in when I realised how much work I had left to do! But it has never seemed unmanageable to me. In fact I would say I'm most productive at uni, and have the highest quality of training, when I'm doing both at the same time. This might be the curse of the obsessive compulsive; I'm actually not happy when I don't have something to do. But I think the calm, logical attitude of my university mindset benefits my canoeing, and the competitive, driven mindset of my canoeing does the same for university. Take one away and the whole system seems to collapse!