Paddling here on this course kind of sums up everything I like about paddling. The upstream gates feel snappy and explosive, the staggers flow and the water is there to provide excitement and challenge. I think I'd like to adopt the attitude of the athletes who live here - laid back, relaxed, loving being on the water, and fiery determined during sessions. It just seems like such a productive, enjoyable way of life, and they have managed to create the perfect kayaking lifestyle. It is one I am truly enjoying emulating during my time here, and I'm sad that we have to leave after only a week. But onwards to the next slalom course - Augsburg!

One of the most exciting developments for me right now is the arrival of a new coach. I am fully aware that many, many athletes get to be much better than me, with less opportunities and support. But until now it has felt a little as though I am in my own boat, as it were. Now I have an opportunity, and someone to support and coach me in the way that a lot of other paddlers in my age group are supported. I am so excited for the next few years, the changes they will bring and the development I will see in myself. I'm also pretty excited for the next training camp with Alice - in August we will return to Augsburg, Prague and a new venue for this summer, Bratislava!