To say I’m happy would be an understatement, but I’ll get to that in a minute. To say I could have done it by myself would be an outright lie, so I’m going to take a moment to say thanks.
Mum and dad. You’ve given things up so I can do this. For no reason other than it’s the thing I love doing. So thank you, for everything.
Every coach I’ve ever had. I wouldn’t coach me. Particularly to my coaches now, because you’ve had to deal with me turning from a precocious, mouthy canoeist, into a precocious, mouthy canoeist with a degree and a place on the GB team. So thank you, for being there for me.
My training partner, because we share sessions and sessions are my favourite part of every single day.
My boyfriend, because I’ve changed so much with canoeing and university, and you’re still my best friend in the world.
My flatmates, because you don’t have to deal with me in sessions and at races, but all the bits in between. You see me at my best and my worst, and somehow still want to live with me.
The ridiculous amount of people who have called, texted, messaged, commented and hugged me over the last few days. It’s amazing to me that everyone who has their own things to deal with, take the time to organise events, come to races, judge, jury and spend energy making these things possible so that athletes can do the sport they love. So thank you.
Everyone who sat on that start line with me, and gave their best. It was a tight race right to the end. We all give everything, everyday, and I am privileged to race against such strong sportswomen.
This is an amazing step for me, and I’m unbelievably happy. But to say I’ve achieved my dreams would be wrong, and to say that I’m satisfied would be wrong. This is a very small step on a pathway that is going to be the emotional and physical equivalent of climbing the himalayas. I’m lucky, because I’ve got some amazing people to show me and lead the way. But everyone has to do it, to some extent, by themselves. It’s easy to say after a great weekend of racing, but I feel ready for the road ahead!
Thanks again for reading, I’ll come back with some less emotional posts for the #lovetotrain part of my writing!!